Raleigh Invited to Holiday Service and Tree Lighting Ceremony

Raleigh, NC (11/08/2021) — William Peace University cordially invites Raleigh residents to join in the spirit of the holiday season for a service and tree lighting ceremony on Tuesday, Nov. 16.

Led by WPU Chaplain Lee Carter, the service begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Dinwiddie Chapel (Main building) at 15 E. Peace St. At about 7:15 p.m., University President Brian Ralph will light the 40-foot Christmas tree near the campus' iconic fountain.

Families are welcome to get a special photo taken in front of the tree following the ceremony. A photographer will be on site to print the images, free of charge. For more information, visit https://fb.me/e/17ZWnr1qq. WPU will also livestream the lighting on YouTube.