WPU-Wake Tech Partnership Creates "2+2" Path for Transfer Students
University Adds New "Easy Transfer" for Human Resources and Interactive Design
Raleigh, NC (07/05/2022) — RALEIGH, N.C. - Students transferring from Wake Technical Community College (Wake Tech) to William Peace University (WPU) now have two more "2+2" options under a new articulation agreement, the schools announced today.
Wake Tech and WPU added two additional degree pathways to their articulation agreements for students studying Human Resource Management and Interactive Design. The agreements create an easy way for students to complete a degree with two years at WTCC and two years at WPU, or "2+2."
Articulation agreements provide officially approved guides that outline how coursework taken at Wake Tech transfers to WPU. The agreements also provide a smooth transition for students to continue their education and earn a bachelor's degree, explained WPU President Dr. Brian C. Ralph.
"For example, students who attend Wake Tech and obtain a Web Developer Associate in Applied Science can earn acceptance in WPU and directly transfer their earned credits toward a Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Design from WPU - with the ability to complete their Bachelor's degree in just two more years!" Ralph said. "Our goal is to make it easier for students to earn a bachelor's degree by maximizing their credits and providing a time and cost-efficient path to graduation."
The addition of these two agreements now cover a total of eight degrees with the other six being: Business Administration, Business Analytics, Criminal Justice, Exercise and Sport Science, Simulation and Game Design, and Sport and Fitness Studies.
"As the region's 'ladder college,' Wake Tech makes it a priority to give all graduates, regardless of their degree program, an opportunity to continue their academic pursuits," said Wake Tech President Dr. Scott Ralls. "These new agreements make it possible for more students in business and IT programs to earn advanced degrees to help them climb the next rung in their career ladder."
WPU has similar articulation agreements with Fayetteville Technical Community College, Louisburg College, and Vance Granville Community College.
About WPU
William Peace University is a co-ed, four-year university in downtown Raleigh, offering a nimble, hands-on education with career preparation built in from start to finish. WPU offers Bachelor's degrees in more than 30 majors for both traditional undergraduate and working adult students. Start your tomorrow today at peace.edu.
About Wake Tech
Wake Tech is North Carolina's largest community college, serving more than 70,000 adults annually, with seven campuses, two training centers, multiple community sites, and a comprehensive array of online learning options. Wake Tech is accredited and offers more than 250 associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates that prepare students for university transfer or immediate employment.